Supplied Users and User Groups
Composer supplies one user: admin. The admin is a system administrator, and can define other users and Composer tenant accounts, enable security features, and define user groups and privileges. If you add additional system admin users, they can perform the same functions as the default system admin.
After Composer has been installed and deployed in your operating environment, access the application as the admin user from a web browser (see System Requirements for details). When you initially access the product, Composer prompts you to change the passwords for the supplied admin user.
admin User
The supplied admin user is defined as a Composer system administrator (in the Administrators group) for the supplied Composer tenant account. The admin user cannot be deleted.
The first time you log into the UI as the admin user, you are prompted to change the admin user password. Thereafter, you can change the password for the admin user only if you are logged into the Composer UI as an administrator. See Change Passwords.
Other users can be defined as administrators or can be assigned to groups with some administrator privileges. See Add Users , About Supplied Groups , and Group Privilege Reference.
Administrators Group (System Admins)
Administrators group members include the default admin user, who is a system administrator for Composer associated with the Visual Data Discoverytenant (formerly the superaccount).
Assign users to the Administrators group to give them administrative privileges to perform actions such as:
Create and manage users, system admins, and groups in Composer.
Create and manage tenant accounts.
Manage connectors.
Managed licenses.
Enable security privileges, and more.
See About Supplied Groups, Group Privilege Reference and The Composer UI Menu.
Administrators Group (Tenant Admins)
Administrators Group members in tenants can:
Create and manage users and groups in their tenants.
Define custom charts in their tenants.
Perform Console and Actions related tasks.
Supervisors Group
The Supervisors group is designed to give you a group of users who can perform specific functions without giving them access to all tasks members of the Administrators group can perform.
Assign users to the Supervisors group to allow those users to:
Manage Composer tenant accounts, including creating, removing, enabling, and disabling tenant accounts. Except when initially creating an tenant account, supervisors cannot change or assign administrators to the tenant account.
Manage the look and feel of Composer
Manage Composer licenses.
Content Distributors Group
The Content Distributors group is part of the Visual Data Discovery tenant. Members can create, maintain, and distribute content to all tenant accounts in your environment. See About Supplied Groups.
supervisor User (v23.3 and Earlier)
Your Composer installation (whether stand-alone or scale-out) provides one supervisor user for v23.3 and earlier. This user definition is permanent and cannot be deleted. However, it can be disabled (see Enable and Disable the Supplied Supervisor User).
Other users can be defined as Composer supervisors. See Add and Remove Supervisors.
Supervisors should be used to make account-level changes to Composer (such as configuring SAML). Limit the availability of this access level to personnel responsible for managing Composer.
Supervisor group members can:
Manage users, their regional definitions, and the accounts to which they are assigned. They cannot assign users to groups. User definitions created by a supervisor are not assigned to any groups, by default.
When a supervisor creates a new user, the Require password change switch on the Info tab is always on (set to Yes) and cannot be altered. New users created by a supervisor are required to change their password when they first log into Composer. After the new user is created, supervisors cannot change or reset the user password.
Manage Composer multi-tenancy accounts, including creating, removing, enabling, and disabling multi-tenancy accounts. Except when initially creating an multi-tenancy account, supervisors cannot change or assign administrators to the multi-tenancyaccount.
Customize the Composer interface.
Configure security settings.
Manage connectors.
Manage Composer licenses.
The supplied supervisor user can only be assigned to the Composer superaccount. It cannot be assigned to any other Composer multi-tenancy accounts. Supervisor users you create can be assigned to the superaccount as well as other accounts.
The first time you log into the Composer UI as the supplied supervisor user, you are prompted to change the supervisor password. Thereafter, you can change the password for the supervisor user only if you are logged into Composer as the supervisor. See Change a Supervisor Password.
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