Uninstall Composer
To remove the Composer server and associated microservices from your network environment:
Remove the Composer server and associated microservices
Remove Composer-related folders and files
Remove the PostgreSQL metadata store used by Composer*
If you connected Composer to an existing PostgreSQL in your network, then skip these steps.
Uninstall Composer Server and All Associated Components
Select your server's operating system and follow those steps to completely remove all Composer-related components:
In CentOS 7 Environments
Stop all Composer microservices:
systemctl stop $(systemctl list-unit-files | grep zoomdata | awk '{print $1}')
Remove Composer and associated components:
yum remove 'zoomdata*'
You are asked to verify the removal of the Composer components. Enter 'y ' to confirm the removal.
Verify the removal of Composer components by running the following command. If all components have been successfully erased, the command returns no results.
yum list installed | grep zoomdata
Remove all the Composer-specific folders:
sudo rm -rf /etc/zoomdata
sudo rm -rf /opt/zoomdata
sudo rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/zoomdata*The next steps are to remove the PostgreSQL metadata store and related files. However, skip these steps if you used your existing PostgreSQL as Composer's metadata store. In this case, you have completed the removal of all Composer-related components from your server.
Remove the PostgreSQL metadata store:
systemctl stop postgresql-12
sudo yum remove 'postgresql*'Remove the following PostgreSQL-related file:
sudo yum remove 'pgdg*'
Remove the directories related to PostgreSQL:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql
sudo rm -rf /usr/pgsql-12
In Ubuntu 18 or 20 Environments
Stop all Composer microservices:
sudo systemctl stop $(systemctl list-unit-files | grep 'zoomdata' | awk '{print $1}')
Remove Composer and associated components:
sudo apt-get remove 'zoomdata*'
You are asked to verify the removal of the Composer components. Enter 'y ' to confirm the removal.
Verify the removal of Composer components by running the following command. If all components have been successfully erased, the command returns no results.
sudo apt list --installed | grep zoomdata
Remove all the Composer-specific folders:
sudo rm -rf /etc/zoomdata
sudo rm -rf /opt/zoomdata
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zoomdata*The next steps remove the PostgreSQL metadata store and related files. However, skip these steps if you used your existing PostgreSQL as Composer's metadata store. In this case, you have completed the removal of all Composer-related components from your server.
Remove the PostgreSQL metadata store:
sudo systemctl stop postgresql-12
sudo apt-get remove 'postgresql*'Remove the following PostgreSQL-related file:
sudo apt-get remove 'pgdg*'
Remove the directories related to PostgreSQL:
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pg*
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql/
sudo rm -rf /var/log/postgresql/
sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql
sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql-common/
sudo rm -rf /var/run/postgresql
In Windows Environments
Stop all Composer microservices:
./bootstrap-composer.ps1 -ServicesAction stop
Create a binary PostgreSQL dump of Composer metadata to the
folder:./bootstrap-composer.ps1 -DumpComposerMetadata
Copy the information to a folder outside of the installation path or it will be deleted and unrecoverable after you uninstall Composer.
Remove Composer components by running the following command.
./bootstrap-composer.ps1 -DeinstallComposer
See Windows Bootstrap Reference for more information.
You have completed the removal of all Composer-related components from your server.
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