Embed Source Editor Properties
Use the following properties when creating an embedded source editor.
Top Level Properties
Property | Default Value | Description |
sourceId |
| The ID of the source for the editor to connect to. If an ID is not passed, an empty editor is embedded. Type: string |
activeTab | 'create' | The Active Tab presented to the user when the editor is loaded. Options include |
theme | undefined | The theme to use for the source editor. If a theme name is not passed, the default theme is used. Options include Type: string |
header | Type: HeaderProps See Header Properties . | |
breadcrumbs | Type: BreadcrumbsProps See Breadcrumb Properties . | |
tabs | Type: TabsProps See Tab Properties . | |
interactivityOverrides | Type: InteractivityOverrides See Interactivity Overrides . | |
notificationSettings | { enabled: true, position: 'top-right' } | Use to show or hide the notifications and define their position. Type: NotificatonSettings |
Header Properties
Property | Default Value | Description |
visible | true | Defines the visibility of the header. Type: boolean |
showTitle | true | Defines the visibility of the source name. Type: boolean |
Breadcrumb Properties
Property | Default Value | Description |
title |
| The title of the first item in the breadcrumbs path. Type: string |
href | "" | The link address for the first item in the breadcrumbs path. Type: string |
target | "" | The link target parameter. Use Type: string |
onClick | undefined | The action handler for selection of the breadcrumb. Type: string |
Tab Properties
Property | Default Value | Description |
create.visible |
| Define visibility of the Source Creation tab. Type: boolean |
create.connections |
| Configure the Connections list as a data entity. Type: ConnectionsProps |
fields.visible |
| Define visibility of the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
caching.visible |
| Define visibility of the Cache tab. Type: boolean |
settings.visible |
| Define visibility of the Global Settings tab. Type: boolean |
Connection Properties
Property | Default Value | Description |
ids |
| The Connection IDs to use in the source editor for Data Entity creation.
Type: string array |
defaultId |
| Define the default connection ID. If this value is not defined, no default connection selection is available. Type: string |
Interactivity Overrides
Property | Default Value | Description |
create |
| The overrides for the interactivity settings related to the Source Creation tab. Type: CreationInteractivitySettings |
fields |
| The overrides for the interactivity settings related to the Fields tab. Type: FieldsInteractivitySettings |
caching |
| The overrides for the interactivity settings related to the Fields tab. Type: CachingInteractivitySettings |
Creation Interactivity Settings
Property | Description |
"ADD_FROM_CONNECTION" : true | When set to Type: boolean |
"ADD_FROM_FILE_UPLOAD" : true | When set to Type: boolean |
"SELECT_FILE_UPLOAD" : true | When set to Type: boolean |
"UPLOAD_NEW_FILE" : true | When set to Type: boolean |
"CREATE_JOINS" : true | When set to Type: boolean |
"FILTER_VALUES_ENTITIES" : true | When set to Type: boolean |
Fields Interactivity Settings
Property | Default Value | Description |
| Defines the visibility of the Add Derived Field button on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Add Hierarchy Field button on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Add Custom Metric button on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Visibility column on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Settings menu on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Filter Values menu on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Info menu on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Delete button on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
FILTER_VALUE_OVERRIDES | true | Defines the visibility of the Filter Values tab on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
FIELD_CAPABILITIES | true | Defines the visibility of the Field Capabilities button on the Fields tab. Type: boolean |
Caching Interactivity Settings
Property | Default Value | Description |
| Defines the visibility of the Data Cache control on the Cache tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Statistics Cache control on the Cache tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Schedule Refresh control on the Cache tab. Type: boolean |
| Defines the visibility of the Statistics Cache control on the Cache tab. Type: boolean |
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