Define a Data Source Configuration
To define a new data source configuration:
Log in as a user with the Administer Sources or Create New Data Sources privilege.
Select Sources on the UI menu (
) or the top-level navigation menu, or select the Sources box on the Home page. The Sources page appears.
On the Sources page, select the Add Source button. The Source Creation work area opens.
Enter a unique Name for your source and optional Description in the Source Definition work area.
Click the Add button to add a data entity From Connection or From File.
Select From Connection to open the Data Entity Details work area. You will only see the connections you have read permission for. See About Data Source Permissions.
Enter a unique Data Entity Name, then select an available connection in the Select Connection list.
Depending on the connection you select, you'll need to select an existing entity or provide Custom SQL, then provide other information as needed to add the data entity. By default, all Available Fields for your data source are included: clear the appropriate check box to exclude the field from the data source. Select Apply to save the data entity or Cancel to discard your changes. Select Save Source to save this source. As needed, update the default settings on the Fields tab, Cache tab, or Global Settings tab.
Table visuals and Detail dialogs display fields in the order they are retrieved from the source. When you create a source using custom SQL, your fields are shown in the order you specify.
Once saved, your new data source configuration is added to the list on the Sources page.
To create a Fusion data source, add more than one data entity and set up a join configuration. If you create a Fusion data source or upload files as a data source, the fields and settings in Source Creation differ from other sources. See Create a Fusion Data Source and Manage File Uploads in Composer.
To create a hierarchical data source, add more than one data entity and set up a join configuration. See Hierarchical Fields and Structures and Define a Hierarchical Data Source.
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