Fields Tab
Use the Fields tab to configure settings for fields in your data source. You can search for a field by Label, update field capabilities, add derived fields, or select the Custom Metrics tab add a custom metric. The tailored and defined fields here are used as attributes and metrics for visuals that use this data source configuration. Table visuals and Details dialogs display fields in the order they are retrieved from the source; if you add a field here, it is added to the end of the fields list.
You must be logged in as a user with the Administer Sources or Create New Data Sourcesprivilege, or write permission for this source.
The Fields tab is split into three main tabs with data tables and three sidebar menus you can use to manage individual field settings.
- The Fields Table
- Settings Sidebar Menu - Fields Tab
- Filter Values Menu - Fields Tab
- Info Sidebar Menu - Fields Tab
- The Custom Metrics Table
- Settings Sidebar Menu - Custom Metrics Tab
- Info Sidebar Menu - Custom Metrics Tab
The Fields Table
The field tables lists all the fields in the records of the data source collection or table you selected on the Source Creation tab and allows you to configure them. To define the field metadata, 1,000 records are sampled. Select Update Field Capabilities to make bulk changes to the fields in your source. Select Add Derived Field to add a derived field to this table.
The following table describes the settings you can alter for individual data fields. To refresh your data source metadata, select the refresh () button for Manual Refresh on the Cache tab. See Trigger Refresh Jobs for more information.
Column | Description |
Visible | By default, all fields are visible, and you can include data from these fields in your visuals. If you want to hide specific fields, select the toggle to hide the field. Hidden fields can be added to and used in derived fields and custom metrics, but not visuals. See Hide Fields. If a hidden native field is the default metric for a new visual, another metric is used in its place. |
Label | By default, the name of the field as defined in the data from the data store. To change, edit the Label field in the Settings side panel. |
Type | Shows the field type. Fields from your data source are Native. Derived fields are Derived. |
Data Type | The data type for each field is defined, by default, by Composer and shown here. If available, select Convert in the Data Details section of the Settings side panel to create a derived field of this data as another data type, such as Time, Number, or Attribute. |
Actions | Shows what actions, if any, you can take for this field. You can only delete derived fields here. If a derived field is in use, you receive a warning that the field can't be deleted. |
Settings Sidebar Menu - Fields Tab
Select a field in the fields table to edit and update information for each field. Depending on the field selected, available options change. Select Save to save any changes you make here.
Setting | Description |
Expression | The expression used to define this derived field. Select the edit ( |
Data Details | Depending on the Data Type of the field, different options are available you can adjust.
Format | The number or time format for this field. Select the edit (
URL Formatting | Enable to display a hyperlink associated with this Attribute or Number field as a link in the Data Details table for a visual. When selected, the URL opens in a new browser tab. Select the Interpolated Expression add icon ( |
Partition | If you are using Cloudera Impala, Apache Drill, Hive, or Spark SQL as your data source, the Partition section shows if fields within your source are partitioned. Enable to optionally adjust the Partition Field and Partition Function of the partition. |
Filter Values Menu - Fields Tab
Select a field in the fields table to define filter values for each field. Choose a static override option if you want to specify Custom Value and Range. Depending on the field selected, available options change. Select Reset to clear unsaved changes and return to previously saved settings. Select Save to save any changes you make here.
Source of Filter Values | Setting | Description |
Default | Select to inherit values from the data source. Select Reset to reset any changes you've made, even saved changes, to Default. | |
Dynamic Override | Select values from predefined entities. Apply to Attribute, Number, or Time fields.
| |
Static Override | Select to manually enter filter values. You can enable Custom Value, Custom Range, or both. If the values you define are invalid, you can't save your settings. | |
Custom Range | Enable to define a custom range from available values. Apply to Number and Time fields. Adjust Min and Max to suit your needs. Applies to all visuals. These fields must defined. | |
Custom Value | Enable to define custom values for this field at the source level. Apply to Attribute and Number fields.
Info Sidebar Menu - Fields Tab
Select a field in the fields table to review information about or update the label for each field. Depending on the field selected, available options change. Select Save to save any changes you make here.
Setting | Description |
Name | The name of the field as defined in the data from the data store. Unique. When you add a derived field, Composer generates the Name using information in the Label field. The Name must be unique; Composer appends a number if needed.
Label | The Label information for the field as defined in the data store, or that you define when you create a derived field. Edit as needed for use in your visuals and dashboards. 255 characters. The Label field does not need to be unique. |
Data Entity Label | The name of the data entity source for this field. |
The Custom Metrics Table
The Custom Metrics table lists custom metrics you have defined for the data and allows you to define others. You can also select Add Custom Metric to add a custom metric to this table.
When you create a new source, Composer presents Volume as a custom metric, using the Count(*) expression. Edit or delete as needed to reflect your information as desired.
When you upgrade Composer from an older release, volume metrics for existing sources are converted to a custom metric.
Column | Description |
Visible | By default, all the fields are selected and are visible. This means that you can visualize the data from these fields on your visuals. If you want to hide specific fields, select the toggle to hide the field. Hidden fields can be used in custom metrics. However, they cannot be used in dashboard visuals. See Hide Fields. If a hidden native field is the default metric for a new visual, another metric is used in its place. |
Label | The Label information for the field you define when you create a custom metric. To change, edit the Label field in the Settings side panel. |
Type | Shows the field type. Custom metrics are always Custom Metric. |
Data Type | Shows the data type. For custom metrics, this is always Number. |
Actions | Shows what actions, if any, you can take for this field. Generally, you can only delete custom metrics. |
Settings Sidebar Menu - Custom Metrics Tab
Select a field in the custom metrics table to edit and update information for each metric. Select Save to save any changes you make here.
Setting | Description |
Expression | The expression used to define this custom metric. Select the edit ( |
Format | The number format for this field. Select the edit (![]() |
Info Sidebar Menu - Custom Metrics Tab
Select a field in the Custom Metrics table to review information about or update the label for each field. Depending on the field selected, available options change. Select Save to save any changes you make here.
Setting | Description |
Name | The name of the metric as you define during custom metric creation. Unique. When you add a custom metric, Composer generates the Name using information in the Label field. The Name must be unique; Composer appends a number if needed.
Label | The Label information for the field you define when you create a custom metric. Edit as needed for use in your visuals and dashboards. 255 characters. The Label field does not need to be unique. |
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