Logi Composer Version 7 Summary of Changes
This is a summary of the major changes made in version 7 of Composer. It is provided so you can quickly identify new and changed Composer features before upgrading from Composer 6 to Composer 7. If you are upgrading from a Zoomdata version, be sure to read the release summary for Composer 5 as well.
Be sure to back up your metadata store (see Back Up the Metadata Store) before you upgrade.
The following sections provide you with a summary of enhancements in the previous version 7 releases, all of which are present in Composer v7.10.
- V7.10 Enhancements
- V7.9 Enhancements
- V 7.8 Enhancements
- V 7.7 Enhancements
- V 7.6 Enhancements
- V 7.5 Enhancements
- V 7.4 Enhancements
- V 7.3 Enhancements
- V 7.2 Enhancements
- V 7.1 Enhancements
- V 7.0 Enhancements
- Removed Features From Composer v6
- API Updates in Composer v7
IMPORTANT: Older license keys are not compatible with Composer 6.9. If you are upgrading from any older Composer or Zoomdata release, a new license must be requested. See Request and Apply a New License Key.
Support for Composer 5.9 ends on June 27, 2022. Composer 6.9 will soon enter the Passive Support phase. Our Passive Support release receives only critical patches and security updates until its end-of-life date. We describe critical patches in the Passive Support Release Notes page at the discretion of Product Management. Security updates are not applicable to the third-party dependencies. If you are using Composer 5.9, you should contact Sales and upgrade to the most current LTS release. We no longer publish documentation for any Composer products prior to version 6.9. Contact Customer Support if you need content for an unsupported release.
V7.10 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.10. Select the links for more information.
- Windows Support
- Source Creation Updates
- Source Creation API Updates
- Source Management API Updates
- Global Settings API Update
- Interpolation For Filters
- Visual and Dashboard Updates
- Visual and Dashboard Link Updates
- Visual Types Updates
- Live Mode and Playback Updates
- Custom Metric and Derived Field Updates
- List Widget Sorting
- Attribute Fields Sorting Update
- Update Custom Charts
- Expanded Map Markers
- Expanded Dashboard Import API Payload
- Content Security Policies for Embedded Pages
- Apache Solr, Cloudera Search and Elasticsearch Improvements
- zoomdata.properties Update
- WebSocket Updates
- Delete Filters Update
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.10 Enhancements.
V7.9 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.9. Select the links for more information.
- Source Creation and Source Creation API Updates
- Source Creation Updates - Data Access
- Calculation Editor Changes
- Custom Chart CLI Updates
- Edit Custom Charts
- Edit Visuals
- Derived Fields and Custom Metrics Updates
- Time Bar Updates
- Fusion Source Updates
- Map Settings
- Source Editing Field Validation
- Duplicate Custom Metrics
- Elasticsearch Support Update
- Extended Source Listing
- CentOS Support Update
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.9 Enhancements
V 7.8 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.8. Select the links for more information.
- Visuals Updates
- Edit Custom Charts
- Calculation Editor Changes
- Loading Times
- Integer Data Type Update
- Text Data Type Update
- Group Privileges UI Updates
- Consul Support Updates
- Distinct Count Metric
- Custom Charts Update
- Ubuntu OS Support Updates
- Amazon Linux 2 Support
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.8 Enhancements.
V 7.7 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.7. Select the links for more information.
- KPI Chart Labels
- KPI Color Settings
- Visual Settings Support Updates
- Map Marker Settings
- Map: World Countries
- Custom Charts Variable Support
- Library View Support Update
- Impala Support Update
- MemSQL Support Update
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.7 Enhancements.
V 7.6 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.6. Select the links for more information.
- Custom Volume Metrics
- Map: US Regions
- Inherit Y-Axis Values
- Volume Metrics - Custom Charts
- Details Dialog
- Impala Support Update
- MS SQL Support Update
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.6 Enhancements.
V 7.5 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.5. Select the links for more information.
- User Auditing
- Trusted Access
- Histogram Updates
- Map: Markers Update
- Count Metrics for Materializations
- Extended Object ID
- Dashboard Reporting Support
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.5 Enhancements.
V 7.4 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.4. Select the links for more information.
- List Widget Display and Value Columns
- Pivot Table Display Options
- Count Aggregation
- Pivot Table Row and Column Totals
- Chart Defaults
- Inherit Colors from Themes
- SparkSQL Connector for AWS Databricks
- Oracle Connector Support Update
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.4 Enhancements.
V 7.3 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.3. Select the links for more information.
- Nested Filters Support
- Distinct Count Aggregation
- Expanded RLE and Interpolation Support in Security Filters
- Null/Zero Conversion for KPI Charts
- AWS Elasticsearch IAM Roles
- Radial Menus for Pivot Tables
- Custom SQL for BigQuery
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.3 Enhancements.
V 7.2 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.2. Select the links for more information.
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.2 Enhancements.
V 7.1 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.1. Select the links for more information.
To view these enhancements in detail, see Composer v7.1 Enhancements.
V 7.0 Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to Logi Composer v7.0. Select the links for more information.
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Authentication Support for Elasticsearch Connectors
- Arc Gauge Updates
- KPI Chart Updates
- Custom Metric Date and Time Aggregation Function Changes
- New Custom Metric Filter Operators
- Dashboard Import Changes
Removed Features From Composer v6
The following features were removed from Logi Composer v6 to make way for improvements in Composer v7. Please select the links for more information.
Title | Description |
Composer 7.10 Removed Features | |
OAuth Support Update | OAuth connection and token support, deprecated in a previous release, is now removed from the Composer interface and API. See Trusted Access. |
${User.zoomdataUserName} Support Update | The context variable, ${User.zoomdataUserName} , deprecated in an earlier release, is now removed from Composer. Use ${User.composerUserName} in connections, in security filters, and in custom SQL instead. |
/api/visuals/source/<source-id>/summary/ | The end point /api/visuals/source/<source-id>/summary/ , deprecated in v7.8, is now removed. |
/api/visdefs/default/{sourceId}/{visId} | The endpoint /api/visdefs/default/{sourceId}/{visId} , deprecated in an earlier release, is now removed. Use /api/sources/{sourceId}/visual-types/{visualTypeId}/initial-visual instead. |
Removal of Group Fields | Two previously deprecated fields from group resources have now been removed:
Use |
Source Creation Changes | As part of the redesigned source creation process, the source creation wizard has been removed. Available Visual Type selection is now managed by users with appropriate permissions on the Sources page. See Source Creation Updates. |
Composer 7.9 Removed Features | |
CLI API Endpoints | Visualization library endpoints used by the CLI and deprecated in Composer v6.9 have been removed. These include:
| The media type |
Custom Chart CLI Updates | The ability to edit the visibility of a custom chart using the CLI has been removed. |
Activity Logging Updates | The system property |
Duplicate Custom Metrics | The ability to duplicate custom metrics in the Composer interface has been removed. You can continue to use the appropriate API endpoints to create multiple custom metrics with different names that use the same underlying formula. |
Removal of Deprecated Endpoints | Several groups of endpoints, deprecated in the Swagger specification in Composer 6.9, are now removed. This includes endpoints for sources from connections, file uploads, derived fields, formulas, and dashboards import and export. |
Composer 7.8 Removed Features | |
/api/preferences/ | The endpoint |
/api/inventory/ | The endpoint |
/api/dashboards/ | The endpoint |
Composer 7.7 Removed Features | |
Library View Support Update | URL links to quick filters have been removed from the Dashboard Library to provide a more streamlined interface and embedding experience. Functionality of the quick filter icons remain unchanged. |
KPI Color Settings | The Auto Color setting has been removed. Use Optimize contrast to set the Metric Color as black or white, or enable Inherit from theme to use the color palette of the environment's theme. |
Security Keys Authentication Update |
Composer 7.6 Removed Features | |
Security Key Updates | Previously deprecated Security Keys endpoints are now removed from Composer. Use Trusted Access instead for all embedded workflows. See Trusted Access. |
Composer 7.5 Removed Features | |
Remove Deprecated Security Keys-Related api/sources endpoints | APIs affected: GET /api/sources/{id}/key GET /api/sources/key DELETE /api/sources/remove/{id} These APIs were deprecated in release v6.9 and have now been removed from the platform. Use Trusted Access instead for all embedded workflows. For more information about trusted access, select the following link: Trusted Access. For more information about embedding Composer components, see Embed Composer Components Using JavaScript and Trusted Access. |
Composer 7.4 Removed Features | |
None. | |
Composer 7.3 Removed Features | |
None. | |
Composer 7.2 Removed Features | |
Dashboard Library | The thumbnail view and dashboard preview views have been removed from the dashboard library. |
Composer 7.1 Removed Features | |
Server-Level Variables | The API v1 ( Also, the
API | The /api/export/generate/rawdata endpoint has been removed. Use /api/export/csv/raw instead. |
Composer 7.0 Removed Features | |
Embedded Dashboards: mode Property | The mode property of the createComponent Javascript method used when embedding dashboards has been removed from the product. Use the interactivityProfileName property instead. See Embedded Dashboard Properties and Objects. |
API Updates in Composer v7
This table provides a breakdown of all reported updates in Composer v7.
Endpoint | Method | Description |
| GET | The tags experimental request parameter was removed from the GET /api/visuals endpoint. |
| POST | Use to create a source and control the list of native fields added to the source definition by specifying the list of native fields in the request body. When you create a source using this endpoint, the custom metric Volume is created by default, and Global settings and Cache settings are populated with default values. API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| GET | Use to return a list of all sources, paginated. API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| PUT | Use to update a source. API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| GET | Use to return a specified source with the list of native fields. API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| DELETE | Use to delete a specified source. API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| GET | Use to return the features available for the specified source. API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| GET | Use to return global settings for the specified source. Requires API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| PUT | Use to update global settings for the specified source. Requires API documentation is provided with your Composer installation at this link: |
| POST | Use to view a preview of sample file data. |
| DELETE | Use to delete all data stored in a file upload. |
| POST | Use to add data to the file upload. The file structure sent must match the existing validated format and structure. |
| PUT | Use to replace data in the file upload. The file structure sent must match the existing validated format and structure. |
| GET | /api/sources/SOURCE_ID/meta/visuals has been renamed /api/sources/{source_id}/visual-types . The functionality of this endpoint is unchanged. |
| GET | /api/sources/SOURCE_ID/meta/visuals/{VISUALIZATION_ID} has been renamed /api/sources/{source_id}/visual-types/{VISUALIZATION_ID_/initial-visual . The functionality of this endpoint is unchanged. |
| GET | /api/sources/SOURCE_ID/meta/variables has been renamed /api/sources/{source_id}/visual-types/variables-values . The functionality of this endpoint is unchanged. |
| Composer now supports permissions to allow source data access. Existing users with READ permission on a source are given DATA ACCESS permission for that source on upgrade to v7.9. Endpoints that support DATA ACCESS:
Endpoints that support DATA ACCESS or READ permissions:
| |
| Visualization library endpoints used by the CLI and deprecated in Composer v6.9 have been removed. These include:
| |
| |
| |
| The endpoint Send a parameter
| |
| GET | The API response for GET |
| DELETE | Validation updates prevent you from removing a field from a source if the field is used by filters, cross-source links, join configurations, or actions. |
| PUT | Validation updates prevent you from removing a field from a source if the field is used by filters, cross-source links, join configurations, or actions. |
| GET | Row label expressions called using
| GET | Call |
| GET | This API was deprecated in release v6.9 and has now been removed from the platform along with other previously removed Security Keys endpoints. Use Trusted Access instead for all embedded workflows. See Trusted Access. |
| The group privilege | |
/api/actions | GET | Previously, Now, with Composer 7.6, |
/api/visual-types/components/ | New | |
/api/visual-types/ |
| |
/api/dashboards/{id}/key | GET | This API was deprecated in release v6.9 and cannot be used with the API privilege ROLE_SHARE_DASHBOARDS , which has been removed. |
/api/trusted-access/pull/tokens | POST | Use to generate a trusted access token for a user, specifying the Composer user name. The user must already exist, and have an active Composer user account (unless you are using LDAP with automatic provisioning for Composer). |
/api/trusted-access/push/tokens | POST | Use to generate a trusted access token based on user context, optionally group membership, and user attributes, for existing Composer accounts. If the user exists in Composer, the user is updated. If the user doesn't exist in Composer, this creates the user. |
/api/trusted-access/token |
| Deprecated. Use /api/trusted-access/pull/tokens . This is primarily a name change for the endpoint; payloads and functionality remain unchanged. |
/api/sources/{id} | PUT/POST | You can no longer manually set the "version": {integer} of a source object when using PUT api/sources/{id} OR POST api/sources. Version is a system controlled variable which cannot be set manually. |
/api/user/switch/{accountId} | Deprecated. You can no longer authorize this API by a Trusted Access user token for switching Composer accounts. You can still generate a new Trusted Access user token by including the target Composer account information in the request. | |
Remove deprecated security keys-related /api/sources endpoints: GET /api/sources/{id}/key GET /api/sources/key DELETE /api/sources/remove/{id} | These APIs were deprecated in release v6.9 and have now been removed from the platform. Use Trusted Access instead for all embedded workflows. More information about Trusted access, select the following link: Trusted Access. For more information about embedding Composer components, see Embed Composer Components Using JavaScript and Trusted Access. | |
/api/sources/{id} | PUT | Use to upload sources using the object's ID while retaining the object ID when migrating from one environment to another. Use to update sources using the object’s ID while retaining the object ID when migrating from one environment to another. You must have the |
/api/connections/{id} | PUT | Create a connection using a predefined object ID. |
/api/sources/{id} | PUT | New endpoint. Use to upload sources using the object's ID while retaining the object ID migrating from one environment to another. You must have the |
/api/visuals/{id} | PUT | Use to create a visual using a predefined object ID. You must have the |
/api/dashboards/{id} | PUT | Use to create a dashboard using a predefined object ID. You must have the |
/api/export/generate/rawdata | POST | This endpoint has been removed. Use /api/export/csv/raw instead. |
/api/dashboards/* | all | The API v1 (
/api/materialized-views | GET | A new, optional parameter, sourceId={<data-source-id>} , has been added in this release. Use this parameter to obtain a list of materialized views for a specific data source. |
/api/dashboards/import | POST | A new query parameter,
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