Copy a Dashboard
When you attempt to copy a dashboard, Composer determines whether any of the pre-existing visuals on the dashboard have changed since the dashboard was last saved and whether any new visuals have been added. You can copy a dashboard only if your user account has been granted the Create Dashboards privilege (via one or more groups to which your use account belongs).
An option to also create copies of all the pre-existing dashboard visuals may also be available. This option is only available if your user account has been granted the Create Visuals (or Administer Visuals) privilege.
The following factors affect a user's ability to copy a dashboard and its visuals.
The visuals on the dashboard will only be saved if write permission for the visual has been granted to the user, one of the user's groups, or the user's Composer account. See About Visual Permissions.
To copy a dashboard:
In the dashboard header, select on the dashboard icon bar. (The icon allows you to save the dashboard.)
The Save As Options dialog appears.
In the Name box, enter a new name for your dashboard. If you do not, an error will occur when you select Save at the end of this procedure.
If you want to provide details about your dashboard, do this in the Description box. A maximum of 255 characters can be specified. Leading and trailing spaces are not allowed.
Use the checkbox to indicate whether you also want to create copies of all pre-existing visuals on the dashboard.
If you select this option, copies of all the pre-existing visuals are made along with the copy of the dashboard. You will be able to edit the copies of the visuals.
New unsaved visuals on the dashboard will not be copied when this option is selected. New visuals must first be saved before they can be copied. Save the dashboard and the new visual first.
If you do not select this option, a warning on the dialog indicates that any changes made to the pre-existing visuals will be carried over to the new dashboard and, if you have appropriate permissions, you can save or undo the visual changes on the new dashboard.
New unsaved visuals on the dashboard will be removed from the copied dashboard. New visuals must first be saved before they can be used on another dashboard. Save the dashboard and the new visual first.
Select to copy the dashboard.
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